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The Orbitron: a gallery of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals
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The Orbitron:

a gallery of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals on the WWW

  • Images representing atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals
  • Animated plots of wave functions
  • Animated plots of electron density
  • "Dot-density" plots of electron density
  • Plots of radial distribution functions


A note

Please note: our server is very fast but The Orbitron contains files that are quite large, and so may take some time to download if your internet connection is slow.

Adapted from Encarta World English Dictionary:

-tron suffix. a device for manipulating atoms or subatomic particles, accelerator.

Orbital /áwrbit'l/ noun. (Phys) Space in an atom occupied by an electron. A subdivision of the available space within an atom for an electron to orbit the nucleus. an atom has many orbitals, each of which has a fixed size and shape and can hold up to two electrons.

Atomic orbitals poster
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The Orbitron is a gallery of orbitals on the WWW

The OrbitronTM, a gallery of orbitals on the WWW, URL: http://winter.group.shef.ac.uk/orbitron/
Copyright 2002-2015 Prof Mark Winter [The University of Sheffield]. All rights reserved.
Document served: Saturday 24th February, 2018